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Escuela de Flamenco Paca García |
Osallistuin kahdelle ns. master classille, eli kahden päivän lyhyelle tiiviskurssille. Ensimmäisenä opettajanani oli todella herttainen ja ilmeisen lahjakas jereziläinen tanssijatar Gema Moneo, joka opetti meille todella sähäkkää buleriasta. Tai no, näytti meille, mitä haluaa meidän tekevän ja sitten yritin tehdä perässä. Tällainen lennosta oppiminen ei tosiaankaan ole vahvin puoleni, mutta siinähän se harjaantui. Toisen kurssin opettajana oli jo maaliskuulta Helsingistä "tuttu" Alfonso Losa, joka opetti lauantaina meille kolme tuntia buleriasta ja sunnuntaina kolme tuntia tangosta sekä hieman tekniikkaa alkuun molempina päivinä. Materiaali oli taattua Losaa, tuntui että samaan aikaan olisi pitänyt olla menossa ainakin kolmeen suuntaan. Onneksi kevään sitkeä tekniikkatreeni tuotti tulosta ja sain Losalta merkkejä, että tekniikka on kunnossa, vaikka nopeudessa onkin tekemistä.
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Gema Moneo |
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Alfonso Losa |
On this trip I also got to experience what it is like to take flamenco classes in its original environment. Really exciting! From Cornellà de Llobregat, near Barcelona, I managed to find a school that had courses by renowned flamenco maestros during the weekends. My first experience with the school was quite astounding as when I arrived for the first class, I found that it had started a half an hour too early. Spanish sense of time upside down...
I took part in two so called master classes, short courses of two days. My first teacher was a really sweet and incredibly talented yound bailaora from Jerez, Gema Moneo. She taught us a really fiery bulerias, well, I don't know if taught is the right way to say it... Maybe she showed us what she wanted and then we had to try to comply. Really not my strongest skill... but at least I got to practise that! The second course was taught by Alfonso Losa, who was at least a bit familiar from his course in Helsinki in March. Losa taught us three hours of bulerias on Saturday and three hours of tangos on Sunday and a bit of technique in the beginning of each day. The material was typical Losa, I felt like I should have been moving into three directions at once. However, the persistent technique training from the spring paid of as Losa did show me that my technique was quite good although there is a lot of work to be done with my speed.
I did not manage to learn or memorize a lot of material from these two courses but the most important thing was that I had the courage to go and that I survived in really tough company in a completely unfamiliar surroundings. I learned once again how much I can already do and, on the other hand, got a reminder of how much there is still to learn. But, I have the rest of my life to learn! And the most important lesson was that it was not the end of the world that I did not learn everything. In fact, it wouldn't have been the end of the world if I hadn't managed to learn any material at all!
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